Modification, Cancellation & Refund Policy

Our Return and Refund Policy was last updated on 01.01.2024
Interpretation and Definitions

The words of which the initial letter is capitalized have meanings defined under the following conditions.

The following definitions shall have the same meaning regardless of whether they appear in singular or in plural.

For the purposes of Refund Policy:
      “Company” (referred to as either "the Company", "We", "Us" or "Our" in this Agreement) refers to COCO and TOBY.
      “Orders” means a request by You to get Service from Us.
      “Service” refers to the service provided by us through Website or App.
      “Website” refers to], accessible from
      “You” means the individual accessing or using the Service.
Your Order Modification/ Cancellation Rights
Our Payment and refund policy is planned and implemented properly so both student and faculty feel confidence to use our platform and both get fair part of the financial transaction ie. Faculty will be paid for the month he/ she committed and student will be facilitated to not to pay for next month until assured faculty ready to teach.
This way COCO and TOBY providing a secured platform for both student and faculty reserving their right for education and fees.

1. If you booked the private One-to-One and already started to attend the class but for some reason want to change the faculty giving valid reason, we will try to accommodate another faculty but class schedule of the faculty need to be as per the new faculty available time schedule and one month fees will be deducted for the commitment with the previous faculty and hence no refund will be initiated. New fees and schedule will be applied as per new faculty as you selected.

2. If you booked the Group Study and want to replace the faculty, you need to wait for next available group batch according to new faculty. During the waiting period we waive any fees and fees paid will be adjusted with new faculty when new class will be scheduled. Fees paid for last month of previous group class cannot be adjusted or refunded anyway. If tutor not available for next group any fees paid in advanced for next new class will be refund back after deducting the previous class fees on student request; as student fees security is great concern for us.

You are entitled to cancel Your Order within 1 hour by giving the reason for doing so if you booked by mistake.

OR on your request we can adjust with the tutor you wanted to book and shift you to the desired tutor and fees and schedule will be adjusted as per new tutor and this way student can use our service worry free.

This service is meant for students who require faculty for their study assistance and for the faculties who are willing to share their knowledge in affordable fees compare to all other available services. Hence request to maintain the healthy relation between student and faculty will enable us to provide service for greater good of the society.